Satan’s Son

I was walking my dog Bo through Fisher Park in the twilight, thought we were safe, the weird stuff happens after dark.
The gentle tweets of a horn lark silenced the park; The small voice within me said hey you something paranormal is about to happen here.
I ignored the voice; it’s often wrong, as if it just likes to mess with me. Then I heard the horn lark chirping louder and louder behind me, coming closer and closer, ominously.
Turned and saw its horns grow bigger, its eyes glow demon red, as it morphed into Satan’s son, his red tail wagging weirdly.
As it hissed and roared and was about to possess me and Bo, Jesus appeared and rebuked it back to Hell.
Thank God I was wearing a crucifix that served me well and saved me the cost of an exorbitant exorcism that my Medicare Advantage Plan insurance would never cover.
Advice to you: Be careful in Fisher Park, even in Twilight, and never go there after dark. You might not make it out. But if you insist, wear a crucifix.

Bob Boyd